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Hello, my name is Ezra Randle.  My wife Melanie and I are compassionate about establishing, developing, equipping, and empowering people.  Everyone is uniquely designed for greatness.  John 13:35 says, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."  Galatians 5:22-23 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, (23) meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. "  We must lead by example; we must love the unlovable, we must approach the unapproachable, and we must reach and teach the unreachable.  We must give edification for the spirit man and education for the physical man.
Bishop Ezra L. Randle
Bishop Ezra Leon Randle is the youngest child of eleven, by the late Bishop Frank Randle Jr. and the late First Lady Ethel Lee Randle.  While yet in his mothers womb, he survived a devastating car wreck in which two of his siblings lost their lives.  God surely preserved him for the calling of the ministry.
Bishop Randle committed his life to the Lord in the late 1970's under the ministries of the late Evangelist G. E. Smith and the late Elder Archie Jackson.  This servant of God was ordained into the ministry in August of 1988.
His induction into pastorate of Grace Temple Christ Holy Sanctified Church took place in Elk City, Oklahoma on October 17, 1993 under the leadership of then Overseer Silky Wilson.  In succession to his father as pastor, he faithfully served in this position for 20 years.  He has walked as a devoted brother, deacon and minister in God's vineyard.
He has formerly served as District Superintendent and H.Y.P.B.S. President in the state of Oklahoma.  In June of 2008 he became overseer of the Oklahoma Jurisdiction of the Christ Holy Sanctified Churches of America, Inc.  In the jurisdiction's state convocation of June 2013, Overseer Randle was consecrated to the office of bishop; succeeding Bishop Silky Wilson.  
He was employed by UPS for 30 years.  Having retired form man's vocation , he is in full time ministry for the Lord.  Bishop Randle is assisted in the ministry by his wife of over 30 years, First Lady Melanie Randle.  From the time of his spiritual conversion to the summer of 2017, Bishop Randle served in the Christ Holy Sanctified Church.  In August of 2017, Bishop Randle formally left the CHSC organization to pursue a different path in ministry as he so felt led by God to do.
His passion to see lives transformed has caused him to reach out past denominational walls to minister to the many disenfranchised souls.  By way of ministering to others; be it in a jail cell, hospital room, or cell group Bible study and etc., this kingdom ministry was birthed.  This ministry also seeks to network with those of varying denominations to bring believers in Christ into a unifying faith.       

Bridgette Wiseman


Casey Elliott

Board Member

Covenant Kingdom Foundation
Is a unique outreach tool for the Kingdom
 * Teach Guitar/Bass/Drum lessons * Ministry of reconciliation * Business/Home dedications * text messages of encouragement * kingdom networking with other churches * Jail ministry * Hospital visits * Nursing home/increase the quality of life * Mentor-ship * Music therapy
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